Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday, the 26th

Once upon a time in a world full of chaos, there was beauty. This girl, though un-delighted, was the most beautiful creature you had ever set eyes on. This was Jasmina. Sally, Anne, and Sally-Anne were her three younger sisters. Little did Jasmina know that she was a witch. the witch of Mortinshire. Many a day, many a moon, many a year had passed, but all you could hear was Jasmina whistlin', cooking at her pot. Both Sally, Anne, were caring for little Sally-Anne. Mother had had a new baby, though smiles weren't for sale. It was all an accident, no money to pay for Rosemary. Rosemary wore her smiles bright without a ease, but little did she know that she was being cast away, with the littlest amount of ease. Orphaned though she was, she still wore her smile proud. Walking the streets of Mortinshire was not a party at all. 6 years had passed and Rosemary had somehow found a way to care for herself. Jasmina on the other hand had found Sage, the little girl that mother just had. "Take care of her for me, I cannot hold on... Any longer. I'm sorry." were her last words. She breathed her last breath, her hand fell to the silky sheets, her head fell to the lace pillow. All was chaos. Having her sixth child wasn't such a breeze. She died at age thirty-six, but no one noticed. "Marcella will take care if us, I hope she does not quit. for if she does our life will be lost." With little Sage she walked and walked around the brush she fought. Trying to find old maid Marcella, If she was at the garden weeding or not. And she was weeding. "Marcella. Mother has died." Jasmina whispered. "The queen has died." Marcella answered. "The queen?" Jasmina asked, her pretty face bewildered. "All hail the queen of magic, the witch of mortinshire, Queen Jasmina!" Suddenly, out of nowhere, Marcella waved a wand, a thick circlet of pure gold decorated with painted flowers on gold, topped the girl's head. One last thing: it was her thirteenth birthday.
whew, I didn't know what else to write.
Luv from the blogger!!!!

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