Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Eliminate boredom
Okay so usually when I'm bored, It's because I don't want to do my homework. Do your homework and the boredom is gone. Then watch TV.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Anyway, when in need of inspiration, make it. So I found a pic, but it's too big, so go here. I tis so very cool and awesome! Anyway, I don't really have time to do Jasmina, but I can do inspirational quotes.
A wise man learns by the mistakes of others,
a fool by his own.
Latin Proverb
Silence does not always mark wisdom.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
No man was ever wise by chance.
By associating with wise people you will become wise yourself.
Anyway these are from I'm not doing a link.
I am an artist, and I have been praised by most people I know. Inspiration comes from within, not from others. Ideas come from others. There is a difference between ideas and inspiration. I know this doesn't make much since but it sure sounds like wise talk doesn't it? I even made it up myself! Ha Ha. I never knew how I got inspiration, I just put the pencil and pen on the paper, fingers on the keyboard, paintbrush on the canvas, fabric on the sewing machine, and magic, you know, stuff, will just come to you. I have tons of experience with crafts and art and music and theatre and academics and singing, ( and everyone says I am good at whatever I try.) SOOOOOOO... Have you ever heard of manga? Of course you have. It's a kind of art with people with big eyes and have funny faces when they get mad.
Yeah, it's the art of the age.
These are all from Shugo Chara, (my friend loves it) and an example of manga/anime. Anyway I gotta go.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Beaded Happiness not so vague
So I'm not copying this directly from the instructions, but I found a pdf file (in color) of the instructions, so you can use that for more um, accurate info. So the site is here. I just found a Blue Bliss Necklace that is SO pretty!
So the instructions are here
And there are more AWESOME time-killing projects here. Anyway, I wanted to do a recap to.
Once upon a time in a world full of chaos, there was beauty. This girl, though un-delighted, was the most beautiful creature you had ever set eyes on. This was Jasmina. Sally, Anne, and Sally-Anne were her three younger sisters. Little did Jasmina know that she was a witch. the witch of Mortinshire. Many a day, many a moon, many a year had passed, but all you could hear was Jasmina whistlin', cooking at her pot. Both Sally, Anne, were caring for little Sally-Anne. Mother had had a new baby, though smiles weren't for sale. It was all an accident, no money to pay for Rosemary. Rosemary wore her smiles bright without a ease, but little did she know that she was being cast away, with the littlest amount of ease. Orphaned though she was, she still wore her smile proud. Walking the streets of Mortinshire was not a party at all. 6 years had passed and Rosemary had somehow found a way to care for herself. Jasmina on the other hand had found Sage, the little girl that mother just had. "Take care of her for me, I cannot hold on... Any longer. I'm sorry." were her last words. She breathed her last breath, her hand fell to the silky sheets, her head fell to the lace pillow. All was chaos. Having her sixth child wasn't such a breeze. She died at age thirty-six, but no one noticed. "Marcella will take care if us, I hope she does not quit. for if she does our life will be lost." With little Sage she walked and walked around the brush she fought. Trying to find old maid Marcella, If she was at the garden weeding or not. And she was weeding. "Marcella. Mother has died." Jasmina whispered. "The queen has died." Marcella answered. "The queen?" Jasmina asked, her pretty face bewildered. "All hail the queen of magic, the witch of mortinshire, Queen Jasmina!" Suddenly, out of nowhere, Marcella waved a wand, a thick circlet of pure gold decorated with painted flowers on gold, topped the girl's head. One last thing: it was her thirteenth birthday.
Jasmina was terrified. she'd heard rumors that the Witch of Mortinshire was evil. People would.... wait... Marcella is her fairy godmother? Jasmina just said, "Marcella is my godmother?" when Marcella vanished, to appear behind her. "We must teach you the way." Marcella said. "WWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" baby Sage cried. Rosemary was gone.
Wandering by herself in the gardens was fun, but easy to get lost. In her small cottage of a home, she had a gigantic garden. Marcella loved planting and had many remedies for her when she was little. Being but 2 years old, Rosemary was curious and stubborn. Little did she know she was about to have a surprise........
"Hey, kid." Rosemary shrieked. It was a cheetah that said that! "I heard your mom died. Is that true?" "Yes, Mr. Tiger, sir." Rosemary said as she shuddered. "I'm a cheetah!" the cheetah roared. "M-mother died while Sage born." Now Rosemary's grammar wasn't so very good, as she was only 2. "Jasmina got shocked over she was a witchie. Marcella told her." Rosemary had stopped shuddering, confident that since the cheetah had not eaten her yet, she was quite safe. "The witch of Mortinshire is dead? And young Jasmina is to learn the way? I must tell the king." The cheetah looked bewildered. "Who is king?" Rosemary asked. "The king of the animals, of course. The leader of the pack, the Panther! King Hatukk will be sorry to hear that Mistress Rowena, or your mother, is dead. He will have to teach Jasmina the way. And don't go asking me why the lion is not the king. His silly mane is just for show! Why, he's a coward inside. The Panther is the most high animal! Humans are so, so, impossible!" The cheetah turned his back to Rosemary, and walked away. He sauntered among the lilies, placing his weight on one side first, then the other. Humming a silly little tune, he walked off. Not sure whether it was a dream or not, Rosemary decided to tell Marcella. "Rosemary, dear, you mustn't go walking off like that!" Marcella said. "Marcella, Mr. Cheetah talked to me and said Mr. Panther, I mean King Hatukk would like to teach Jasmina the way. What is the way?" "Don't start talking nonesense to me!" Jasmina said. "Jasmina, we must send you to King Hatukk. sending the Cheetah must be urgent, for he is the fastest. we must go." and with Marcella, Jasmina, Sally, Anne, Sally-Anne,Rosemary and Sage, they were gone. All left in that cozy little cottage was Rowena, their mother's dead body, buried under the flowers. And they were seen in the woods the very next day, calling, "KingHatukk! King Hatukk! We heard your very urgent message!"
"King Hatukk!!!!!" Marcella cried, as she hugged the proud but soft panther. "Ah, Jasmina is here. Where is Rowena?" the panther seemed surprised the they did not bring Rowena. "Over here, your majesty," Marcella waved her wand that had been carefully tucked away in her dress, and Rowena appeared. "Rowena, your Majesty. Rowena, the ex- queen of witches, the Witch o Mortinshire!" Marcella bowed, and withdrew. The king pawed at a necklace on Rowena's, or mother's, as the children would've said, neck. The clasp sprang open, and the gold necklace fell to the ground. Picking it off the ground, Marcella said, "I can do the rest." And she put the intricately molded gold necklace caked with jewels around Jasmina's neck. "It's heavy." Jasmina said. "It stands for the weight you have to carry for the Witches." Marcella answered. Then, she put a gold circled that had been on Rowena's head on Jasmina, who said, "It's so light, I'm afraid it will be lost!" "This is for the responsibility of forgetting your people" and after Marcella said that, she fastened a few hair clips on the crown. With a cloud of sparkly substance, the forest was decorated for a coronation. The next day, donned with a purple robe and exquisite dress, Jasmina was allowed to sit on the throne. after everyone feasted, the leftovers and throne were whisked away, for a with of Motinshire does not need a crown or throne to show ones authority, only the necklace. And the tale of the withces' ancestry began, "The first Witch of Mortinshire, Queen Azure, was best friend to Queen Emma of Londornium. Londornium, at that time, was not quite as big as it is today. When Queen Emma died, Azure being ages younger than queen Emma, Azure appointed Princess Ricalla, Queen Emma's first daughter, to be queen. She was evil. At that time Queen Azure was only queen of Heidland, not a true witch yet. So her magic was not strong enough to oppose Princess Ricalla. Princess Ricalla then married Prince Robert of Notinshire, quite big at that time, and gave birth to Buttercup, who thankfully was very kind. Queen Azure, knowing Ricalla was planning to destroy Heidland, went up on the dangerously forbidden peaks of Cliff Mountain, and went to find Wise Man. Wise was very wise, as his nickname goes, and told Azure a secret: she had magic powers as strong, even stronger than a fairy's. After a month, she had cultivated her magic, with a helping and of Wise's knowledge, and was able to trap Ricalla. Prince Robert, though not evil, was also trapped with Ricalla on accident. This was their bondage forever. the kind-hearted, 3 year old Princess Buttercup of Londornium and Notinshire was adopted by Queen Azure, your great, great, great, great, great, great, a thousand times great grandmother. Buttercup was found to be pretty good in the magical arts, so Queen Azure treated her as a real daughter. Azure had no husband of her own, no children either so Buttercup was sometimes lonely indeed. On her thirteenth birthday, Buttercup was given the throne of Londornium, Notinshire, and Heidland, for Azure was retiring to devote her life to the magical arts. she was taken in by the folk, the magical folk of Mortinshire, so that is how the story ends. More like begins, for the reign of the witches followed on, Buttercup being the next Witch of Mortinshire. Some witches chose not to become royal, like your mother, and some had no choice because they had no younger siblings. The Witch is always considered queen of witches, royal to Heidland or not. Mortinshire became the center of all good magic, and Ricland, the land Ricalla named and conquered just before she died, is the center of dark magic. And the story goes on to your mother, Rowena, who did the great good thing: she conquered Ricland and retired to the cozy cottage you live in now. And as you know, the queen of Heidland right now is Queen Rolana." the king took a deep breath, and said,"Well, did you take all that in yet?" "I-I think so... It is quite hard to take it in all at once.Very hard, you would think. So Queen Rolana is my aunt? Then why isn't she the Witch of Mortinshire?" Jasmina asked. "WEll, the magic skips some." said the king. And he turned around and gave them food from his plate.
But before the food could be distributed, a swirling, angry cloud of black smoke whirled around them. Baby Sage wailed loudly. The smoke thinned, and with his cape flying and tossing in the wind, it was Count Robert. Looking quite like vampire, this ghastly uncle of Jasmina's was a long-lost relative. "C-count Robert!" Jasmina cried. "You mad it to the celebration." "You shouldn't have invited him." Marcella whispered. "The throne should be mine! I am theonly true male heir to the throne! My magic may not be strong as naive Jasmina's but she will pay for what she has done!" Count Robert yelled, looking very vain. If you were able to see the queer and unsatisfied look on the Count;s face, you would know how scary he looked. "What did I do?" Jasmina asked. She was too late, for there was silence. Robert was gone.
"Jasmina! Don't you know that Count Robert, how should I say this, the bad guy?" Marcella asked. "Marcella, I'm sorry. But I'm willing to start Magical Training to beat him." Jasmina tried to sound hopeful. She tried to smile. "Where's Sage?" Jasmina asked. The baby was gone. "Sally, Anne, Sally-Anne! Where are you!" Jasmina yelled, for they were gone too. Three heads poked out of a bush behind the Panther. "Count Robert-- Scary!!!" they yelled in unison. "Marcella, can they learn Magic with me, so we can fight together?" Jasmina asked. "It all depends whether or not the magic skipped them, and we have to find Sage first."
"Sagie! Sagie! Little Sagie!!!" Sally yelled. "Baby Sage! Sagie! Sagie!" Anne yelled. "Sage! Sagie! Baby Sage!" Sally-Anne yelled. "Sagie!" Rosemary giggled. Suddenly, Sage crawled out from under a bush. "Rowmary!!! Rowmary!!!" Sage tried to say "Rosemary." Jasmina smiled. "Oh Sage!!! I should have kept my eyes on you."
HAHAH it's SO long!
That here is King Hattuk.
boredom busters,
short stories,
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Beaded Happiness
SO I was thinking about what to write when I spotted my bead thingy in the corner of the family room. I remember a project I had seen earlier on at Jo-Ann's that was something about beading. Anyway, the instruction was to gather tulle and make flowers, use also organza and ribbon, and then sew beads in the center for effect. Then, pin a brooch on one of the flowers, then sew all the flowers in some arrangement on a string of tulle or organza or ribbon that could optionally be decorated with beads. I know I'm being vague, and I don't have any pics, but my PC is SLOW. That's all.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Blue, Pink, Yellow, Green
Some fun thing I mad up cause I couldn't think of anything else.
BLUE+PINK=a perfect weddingBLUE+YELLOW=Blue and Yellow from The Used
BLUE +GREEN=blue and green diamond condos in Miami, Florida
that's all!!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Is that POSSIBLE?!?!?!?!?!?!
OMG!!!!! My bro thought it was April Fools and I forgot to make a foolproof April Fool's idea so I totally got inspired by family fun from here and I loved the ideas! IT IS AWESOME and I gotta go!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Procrastinators Begone!
Yep, even though I've skipped a grade and all that, I'm still a BIG procrastinator. I found some REALLY helpful sites that give you good ideas and stuff. So this site will give you tips, time limits to not overwork yourself, and much more. And this will also totally help. Okay and now to the crafts. So I wanted to do something paper crafts. You remember seeing something and saying to yourself, I can make that? It happened LOTS of times with me. So I always LOVED butterflies, and 3-D cards, and my mom's birthday was coming up... It was yesterday didn't I tell you? :) SO I just HAD to make this.
My mom likes yellow, so I added a few yellow highlights and purple ones, and green ones and blue ones.. you know what I mean... to make it look brighter. I got instructions from here, which is a very helpful site. Bye! (I'm leaving off Jasmina for now because it's really late and I need to do homework!!!!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Let them eat cake!!!! (Actually Pie)
Okay so I just had some delicious Kahlua Cream Cheese Pie from Marie Calendar's and it was mega-delicious! I found out a site that has instructions to make this awesome pie, but I haven't tried it out yet. What I have tried out is Panna Cotta, but that's another story.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Now for the Witch of Mortinshire.
"Sagie! Sagie! Little Sagie!!!" Sally yelled. "Baby Sage! Sagie! Sagie!" Anne yelled. "Sage! Sagie! Baby Sage!" Sally-Anne yelled. "Sagie!" Rosemary giggled. Suddenly, Sage crawled out from under a bush. "Rowmary!!! Rowmary!!!" Sage tried to say "Rosemary." Jasmina smiled. "Oh Sage!!! I should have kept my eyes on you."
Need to go to class now!
"Sagie! Sagie! Little Sagie!!!" Sally yelled. "Baby Sage! Sagie! Sagie!" Anne yelled. "Sage! Sagie! Baby Sage!" Sally-Anne yelled. "Sagie!" Rosemary giggled. Suddenly, Sage crawled out from under a bush. "Rowmary!!! Rowmary!!!" Sage tried to say "Rosemary." Jasmina smiled. "Oh Sage!!! I should have kept my eyes on you."
Need to go to class now!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Okay, so I'm giving up on the First Day project. Any way, so today I'm going to show you a few of my favorite colors. So my favorite colors mostly fall into the blue-green category, so my first one is Cyan Blue, blended with a little Pathelo Blue.

The next is Aqua marine, which is also a jewel, AND the color of the year.
So Pantone, a brand that had a lot of colors, made this design, or one of the members from Pantone. Find it Here. I can't copy the images, sorry. Anyways, I wanted to introduce you to Tea Bag Folding. So tea bag folding is basically origami connected together to make rosettes and stuff.
and now back to the WITCH OF MORTINSHIRE.
"Jasmina! Don't you know that Count Robert, how should I say this, the bad guy?" Marcella asked. "Marcella, I'm sorry. But I'm willing to start Magical Training to beat him." Jasmina tried to sound hopeful. She tried to smile. "Where's Sage?" Jasmina asked. The baby was gone. "Sally, Anne, Sally-Anne! Where are you!" Jasmina yelled, for they were gone too. Three heads poked out of a bush behind the Panther. "Count Robert-- Scary!!!" they yelled in unison. "Marcella, can they learn Magic with me, so we can fight together?" Jasmina asked. "It all depends whether or not the magic skipped them, and we have to find Sage first."
The End!!!
Paper Craft,
short stories,
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Switching It Up: the fifth day of March
Ada Lovelace, born Augusta Ada Byron, was one of the most influential computer programmers in history, because she was the first one. Always a sickly child, young Lovelace at one time had to be kept in bed for almost a full year until she recovered. Though young, her tutor and friend was Mary Fairfax Somerville, who introduced her to Charles Babbage, inventor of the Analytical Machine, a machine that could add, times, divide, and do most math problems. Only a teen at the time when she saw the Machine with her own eyes, Ada understood the great things the machine could do, and how it worked. Later in her life, when she was asked by Babbage to write a report and take notes on the machine, Ada accepted, and wrote down many useful notes and added many of her own thoughts and perceptive ideas. Unfortunately, Ada and Babbage both died before the programming and more could happen, but the notes have been read, and executed into the computers we use today. Ada was 37 when she died.
Okay, I still want to post the Jasmina Story, a short bit, though.
But before the food could be distributed, a swirling, angry cloud of black smoke whirled around them. Baby Sage wailed loudly. The smoke thinned, and with his cape flying and tossing in the wind, it was Count Robert. Looking quite like vampire, this ghastly uncle of Jasmina's was a long-lost relative. "C-count Robert!" Jasmina cried. "You mad it to the celebration." "You shouldn't have invited him." Marcella whispered. "The throne should be mine! I am theonly true male heir to the throne! My magic may not be strong as naive Jasmina's but she will pay for what she has done!" Count Robert yelled, looking very vain. If you were able to see the queer and unsatisfied look on the Count;s face, you would know how scary he looked. "What did I do?" Jasmina asked. She was too late, for there was silence. Robert was gone.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Brobdingnagian is SO fun to say!!!! It means big, gigantic, enormous, "anything of colossal size" brob-ding-nah-gee-un Brobdingnagian. Ok. that's all. I just wanted to write that down.
Knitting Again: the fourth day of March
Okay... Skitter Skatter Knitting is again, a blog about knitting. I found it and I'm so glad!!! You should check it out! Oh, and while looking around her blog, I found out they were having knitting olympics!!! So I found this other blog called Stuff and More Stuff, where I saw some fabulous knits! And there's more... I found this paper bead tutorial and just had to post it!!!!Any way, back to my short story...
And the tale of the witches' ancestry began, " The first Witch of Mortinshire, Queen Azure, was best friend to Queen Emma of Londornium. Londornium, at that time, was not quite as big as it is today. When Queen Emma died, Azure being ages younger than queen Emma, Azure appointed Princess Ricalla, Queen Emma's first daughter, to be queen. She was evil. At that time Queen Azure was only queen of Heidland, not a true witch yet. So her magic was not strong enough to oppose Princess Ricalla. Princess Ricalla then married Prince Robert of Notinshire, quite big at that time, and gave birth to Buttercup, who thankfully was very kind. Queen Azure, knowing Ricalla was planning to destroy Heidland, went up on the dangerously forbidden peaks of Cliff Mountain, and went to find Wise Man. Wise was very wise, as his nickname goes, and told Azure a secret: she had magic powers as strong, even stronger than a fairy's. After a month, she had cultivated her magic, with a helping and of Wise's knowledge, and was able to trap Ricalla. Prince Robert, though not evil, was also trapped with Ricalla on accident. This was their bondage forever. the kind-hearted, 3 year old Princess Buttercup of Londornium and Notinshire was adopted by Queen Azure, your great, great, great, great, great, great, a thousand times great grandmother. Buttercup was found to be pretty good in the magical arts, so Queen Azure treated her as a real daughter. Azure had no husband of her own, no children either so Buttercup was sometimes lonely indeed. On her thirteenth birthday, Buttercup was given the throne of Londornium, Notinshire, and Heidland, for Azure was retiring to devote her life to the magical arts. she was taken in by the folk, the magical folk of Mortinshire, so that is how the story ends. More like begins, for the reign of the witches followed on, Buttercup being the next Witch of Mortinshire. Some witches chose not to become royal, like your mother, and some had no choice because they had no younger siblings. The Witch is always considered queen of witches, royal to Heidland or not. Mortinshire became the center of all good magic, and Ricland, the land Ricalla named and conquered just before she died, is the center of dark magic. And the story goes on to your mother, Rowena, who did the great good thing: she conquered Ricland and retired to the cozy cottage you live in now. And as you know, the queen of Heidland right now is Queen Rolana." the king took a deep breath, and said,"Well, did you take all that in yet?" "I-I think so... It is quite hard to take it in all at once.Very hard, you would think. So Queen Rolana is my aunt? Then why isn't she the Witch of Mortinshire?" Jasmina asked. "WEll, the magic skips some." said the king. And he turned around and gave them food from his plate.
first day,
Paper Craft,
short stories,
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
The third day of March
Next Blog!!!!!!!! (drumroll please!!!)
Pack & Pride of Kristie... All about dogs, family, some crafts, mostly knitting, and fun things.
And now... The Witch of Mortinshire Saga continues...
"King Hatukk!!!!!" Marcella cried, as she hugged the proud but soft panther. "Ah, Jasmina is here. Where is Rowena?" the panther seemed surprised the they did not bring Rowena. "Over here, your majesty," Marcella waved her wand that had been carefully tucked away in her dress, and Rowena appeared. "Rowena, your Majesty. Rowena, the ex- queen of witches, the Witch o Mortinshire!" Marcella bowed, and withdrew. The king pawed at a necklace on Rowena's, or mother's, as the children would've said, neck. The clasp sprang open, and the gold necklace fell to the ground. Picking it off the ground, Marcella said, "I can do the rest." And she put the intricately molded gold necklace caked with jewels around Jasmina's neck. "It's heavy." Jasmina said. "It stands for the weight you have to carry for the Witches." Marcella answered. Then, she put a gold circled that had been on Rowena's head on Jasmina, who said, "It's so light, I'm afraid it will be lost!" "This is for the responsibility of forgetting your people" and after Marcella said that, she fastened a few hair clips on the crown. With a cloud of sparkly substance, the forest was decorated for a coronation. The next day, donned with a purple robe and exquisite dress, Jasmina was allowed to sit on the throne. after everyone feasted, the leftovers and throne were whisked away, for a with of Motinshire does not need a crown or throne to show ones authority, only the necklace. And the tale of the withces' ancestry began, "
Suspension for you!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Next Blog: the second day of march
Moonvalley Quilter Sewing, quilting, crafting, all day. You should really check this blog out.
And... Keep your brain healthy to keep your body healthy tips from here:
Anyway, I wanted to continue with Jasmina, or the Witch of Mortinshire, so here goes:
"Hey, kid." Rosemary shrieked. It was a cheetah that said that! "I heard your mom died. Is that true?" "Yes, Mr. Tiger, sir." Rosemary said as she shuddered. "I'm a cheetah!" the cheetah roared. "M-mother died while Sage born." Now Rosemary's grammar wasn't so very good, as she was only 2. "Jasmina got shocked over she was a witchie. Marcella told her." Rosemary had stopped shuddering, confident that since the cheetah had not eaten her yet, she was quite safe. "The witch of Mortinshire is dead? And young Jasmina is to learn the way? I must tell the king." The cheetah looked bewildered. "Who is king?" Rosemary asked. "The king of the animals, of course. The leader of the pack, the Panther! King Hatukk will be sorry to hear that Mistress Rowena, or your mother, is dead. He will have to teach Jasmina the way. And don't go asking me why the lion is not the king. His silly mane is just for show! Why, he's a coward inside. The Panther is the most high animal! Humans are so, so, impossible!" The cheetah turned his back to Rosemary, and walked away. He sauntered among the lilies, placing his weight on one side first, then the other. Humming a silly little tune, he walked off. Not sure whether it was a dream or not, Rosemary decided to tell Marcella. "Rosemary, dear, you mustn't go walking off like that!" Marcella said. "Marcella, Mr. Cheetah talked to me and said Mr. Panther, I mean King Hatukk would like to teach Jasmina the way. What is the way?" "Don't start talking nonesense to me!" Jasmina said. "Jasmina, we must send you to King Hatukk. sending the Cheetah must be urgent, for he is the fastest. we must go." and with Marcella, Jasmina, Sally, Anne, Sally-Anne,Rosemary and Sage, they were gone. All left in that cozy little cottage was Rowena, their mother's dead body, buried under the flowers. And they were seen in the woods the very next day, calling, "KingHatukk! King Hatukk! We heard your very urgent message!"
More later, K?
Monday, March 1, 2010
The first day of March
I suppose I've got to leave off Jasmina and family stories for a while since it's March!!!!! SO this month's theme is... Next blog!!!!!
So today's featured blog is...
Purplejenknits is is a blog about life, kittens, and knitting. This is an awesome blog and you should totally check it out.
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