SO right now it is raining in San Diego, so here is a list of things to do when it's raining.

1.So I decided that one fun thing to do is make a rainbow. (Don't forget the pot 'o gold!) You can make it out of paper, or candy, or even a cake!
2. If you don't feel like it, you make your own REAL rainbow.
3. Try to balance something on your nose or outstretched hand.
4. Make a homemade birthday card, Christmas card, etc. Get creative. Find websites that teach you how to make pop up cards like
5. Make your own list of things to do while it's raining, or even things to do IN the rain. Post it as a comment.
6. Help me think of something to write about tomorrow and post is as a comment.
7. Try painting in the rain.
8. Look at the window. Pick two water droplets and see who reaches the bottom of the window first.
9. Sing "rain, rain go away." Or other songs. Or silly songs.
10. Try to memorize a funny poem like the ones Edward Lear writes. Or write a poem. Or a book.